Home Opportunity Harnessing ‘Senior Power’ to Boost Our Economy

Harnessing ‘Senior Power’ to Boost Our Economy

3 min read

From: Huffington Post, Bernard Starr. Psychologist; College Professor; Journalist

The Huff Post has a very interesting article on harnessing the power of Seniors, not just for their benefit but for the benefit of society, to boost the Economy. They propose retirees/seniors register for a system of volunteering. The article has a lot of information, here’s a snippet:

Harnessing Senior Power—And That Means All Seniors

“American seniors are generous volunteers through various programs and individual initiatives. In one of the largest programs, the Senior Corps RSVP, 300,000 seniors volunteer in numerous areas. While that is certainly noteworthy, even more impressive are the millions of other seniors sitting on the sidelines ready, able, and willing to volunteer. Volunteering, though, is not always a simple matter. You may have to navigate complex websites or work your way through a maze of referrals and phone calls that requires persistence and can be off-putting.

Unfortunately, we do not have an infrastructure to harness this vast reservoir of talent and energy that can make significant contributions to our economy and to our quality of life.

But a structure can readily be established.”
[Read more on the Huff post…].

Bernard Starr, PhD, is professor emeritus at the City University of New York (Brooklyn College) where he directed a graduate program in gerontology that spanned seven graduate departments. He is also the founder, and for 25 years, the managing editor of the cutting edge Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics. He was also the editor of the Springer Publishing Company series Adulthood and Aging and another series Lifestyles and Issues in Aging. For three years he wrote commentary and op-ed articles on healthcare, the boomers, and issues of an aging society for the Scripps Howard News Service. And for seven years he was writer, producer, and host of the award winning radio feature The Longevity Report on WEVD-AM radio in New York City.

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