Home Growth & Learning Shawn Bolz – HRock Church

Shawn Bolz – HRock Church

3 min read

I like Shawn Bolz, even though in my heart he can be controversial because it can seem he’s too “loose” with what is ok and not ok to God. But to me when my heart feels that way it just indicates I need to love people more. He ministers to transsexuals, prostitutes, entertainment industry folks, etc. Our hearts as Christians can hold back from that because we feel we are complicit in agreeing with that lifestyle. I don’t believe that’s true, I think this is a case of us not seeing it like Jesus does. Shawn brings that out to the forefront as he talks about all types of people and how we should treat them.

Here’s my take on the general idea of Christian love and acceptance, and this is why I’ve put this into my “must see” category:

  1. Jesus made everyone, he loves everyone.
  2. Yes, God has rules, there is sin. We never call sin “OK”, we never accept it as OK in our lives.
  3. A cow moos, a duck quacks, and sinners sin. We need to understand they are not going to do everything we want because their lives are not regenerated. We DO live and advocate for righteous living, but we have to watch that line where we judge unrighteously and it builds a wall and hurts people.
  4. God can work mightily through us when we lighten up and love people, more doors open that way to truly rock peoples lives.

I think at this point in history, as seniors and therefore leaders in our culture, we have to move towards power and love. we must show the world both… and that can look like speaking positive about someone, praying healing for someone, giving a prophetic word, seeing their heart as God sees it, and bringing out the good that God has planned for them to walk in.

It’s a good lesson and I believe that unless we get to that place, we will not touch the world like we have the potential to.

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