A letter to Christian Artists….

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Scott Erickson
of Creating a Visual Culture
Posted on September 2, 2011

Scott Erickson of Creating A Visual Culture website wrote this thought provoking article on things that affect the Christian artist as they create… such as “love the church”.

I know the church is a confusing place for you. They don’t know what to do with the journey you’ve been called too. Most churches don’t have any kind of art culture. And if they do make strides in any artistic endeavor, it is bound up in creating easy-to-understand-beautiful-things and trying not to offend anyone… You are meant to be in a community of believers. You are called to be there. You must love this body, for all its warts and faults.

Scott says “…On the other hand, stop looking to the church organization for some kind of parental approval for the things you’ve been called to. You need to be obedient to your Father in heaven and what He is calling you to. ”

Get into the meat of it at: https://createvisualculture.wordpress.com/2011/09/02/a-letter-to-christian-artists/

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